I just received this email from a Christian World Adoption staff member of the need for families of some older waiting children. If not adopted soon, these children will be removed from the adoption program in the orphanage they are staying at. Please, please, if you have ever considered adoption, or can think of anyone who has expressed a heart for adoption and would open their hearts and homes to these children, spread the word!!
Here is her email:
Dear Families,
My name is Emily Beddingfield and I am Christian World Adoption's Ethiopia Waiting Children Coordinator. I am sending this email to all of you, in an effort to find homes for some older children who have been waiting a long time for a family.
I have been informed that some of these children will be removed from the adoption program soon by the orphanage unless a family can be found. If you are interested in older child adoption, please see the brief descriptions below and let me know as soon as possible if you would consider any of these children.
#1) A sibling group of 2 boys: Ages approximately 11 and 8. The older boy has had epilepsy and the younger boy has vision problems. There is an adoption grant available for their adoption.
#2) A sibling group of a boy and a girl: The boy is approximately age 11 and the girl is approximately 7-8 years old. No known special needs.
#3) A single boy: Approximately age 10. No known special needs.
#4) A sibling group of 4 girls: Ages approximately 10, 8, 7 and 6. The older two girls have Hepatitis B. I have been informed that if a family wanted to adopt just the 2 younger girls (or just the 2 older girls), they could do so. The hope is one family for all 4, but if there were 2 families who would each take 2, the orphanage staff is okay with that. (In addition, these girls are half siblings to #3, the single 10 year old boy).
#5) A sibling group of 3 girls: Ages approximately 11, 9 and 7. No known special needs.
#6) A single boy, around age 6-7 years old: Has had epilepsy and a difficult past.
#7) A sibling group of 2 girls: Ages approximately 8 (or older!) and 7 years. The younger girl has crossed eyes. The older girl has been diagnosed as having thoracic hypokyphosis.
If you are interested, please email me at emilyb@cwa.org. If you have not done so already or are not a current client of CWA, we will need you to complete an Ethiopia Program Questionnaire and a Referral Confidentiality Agreement. These can be found on the home page of the Ethiopia Hope Project or I can email them to you upon request. Once these are returned to me, I can send you photos and information on the child(ren) you are interested in. (Please keep in mind that only one family may consider children at a time, so if more than one family is interested, I will maintain a wait list. Because we have only a very limited time to place most of these children, each family will only be given a short time period to consider the children.) Please note that this email is coming from a “Do Not Reply” email address. Please make sure to address your email to: emilyb@cwa.org.
Thank you for your time and God Bless!
Emily Beddingfield
Christian World Adoption